We talk a lot about closing the skills gap, but it's harder said than done. So we thought we'd tackle the problem in our 2nd episode os Say Easy, Do Hard. Part 1 will discuss the skills needed, the requirements of the position, and the real qualifications for cybersecurity jobs. We will discuss the practical, realistic expectations of working in cybersecurity, not the hyped stereotypical positions.
After discussing the requirements for working in cybersecurity, part 2 will tackle where to find the talent. We will explore education, apprenticeships, mentorships, and training. We will also identify areas within the business that have resources with skills that are very complementary with cybersecurity that also make great recruiting areas.
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Show Notes: https://securityweekly.com/bsw303
Securing the business can often come at a cost of employee productivity, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Especially in today’s economic climate, the security team cannot be seen as a blocker to business. Aviv discusses how to find that balance in today’s episode.
This segment is sponsored by Votiro. Visit https://securityweekly.com/votiro to learn more about them!
In the leadership and communications segment, Security Is a Revenue Booster, Not a Cost Center, How cybersecurity leaders can tackle the skills shortage, Engaged Employees Create Better Customer Experiences, and more!
Visit https://www.securityweekly.com/bsw for all the latest episodes!
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Show Notes: https://securityweekly.com/bsw302
Barracuda just released a report on Ransomware findings, here: https://assets.barracuda.com/assets/docs/dms/2023 -Ransomware-insights-report.pdf.
Here are a few of the highlighted stats:
Fleming Shi joins Business Security Weekly to discuss the findings and ways to better prepare for these attacks. In the leadership and communications segment, How to Succeed As a New Chief Information Security Officer, Lead by Example: What Army Special Forces Can Teach You About Leadership, How to Take Risks & Conquer Fears, and more!
Visit https://www.securityweekly.com/bsw for all the latest episodes!
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Show Notes: https://securityweekly.com/bsw301
Why 300? 300 is a perfect game in bowling, a milestone few have achieved (unless you're Brendan Alderman who has done it twice before the age of 20). 300 podcast episodes is almost 7 years of recording, a milestone most podcasts haven't achieved. So we thought is was worth celebrating! Join current and former BSW hosts to get a brief history of Business Security Weekly, including:
You ask, we respond. This Ask Me Anything (AMA) segment allows the audience to ask the BSW hosts anything. From leadership skills to career advice or even why Alderman keeps moving, this segment answers the questions you want to know.
Visit https://www.securityweekly.com/bsw for all the latest episodes!
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Show Notes: https://securityweekly.com/bsw300